“How can you rise if you have not burned?
The theme this week around here has been a poignant one. We ask ourselves two questions:
1) How far do we persevere to lose ourselves for love?
and 2) When do we know when to give up?
There are no simple answers. Situations are complicated-- relationships are complicated. We live in a digital age where friendship is often a shell, a guise, surrounded by fragile bridges. We strike those matches, say that we have had enough, and let those fires of Babylon burn.
In order to rise above we must fall below. It takes great adversity to often build the best character and sometimes takes burning bridges to find other routes to our destination. The journey of life is a series of layers-- we are constructed of stars and finer things. But beneath our sordid frame lies a fire that burns ever brightly, ready to engulf that which needs transcending. I am the Phoenix. Watch me burn and live again.
Have you ever burned a bridge? Did you strike the match and never look back?
"Self portrait." by The little fawn*
"STRTLGHT" by Anthony Bailey
"Di nuovo verrà l'estate V" by nonplusultra22
"pomelo fruit 6" by William Boulter
"untitled" by Joseph Rustia
"untitled" by David Paton
"the light" by Adrielly Alves
"." by Chiara Baldassarri
"pragmatic anarchism" by Michel Nguie