|   tamer animals    |

handmade | illustrated | found | curated design

daily drifter

daily drifter: encounter

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.
— Roman Payne
“Reconhecer-se nos olhos do mundo” by Tuane Eggers

“Reconhecer-se nos olhos do mundo by Tuane Eggers

“Dreamer” by Nick James Adams

“Dreamer” by Nick James Adams

“Moving clouds, Machu Picchu” by //sarah

Moving clouds, Machu Picchu” by //sarah

“Analogue double exposure” by martine.es

“Analogue double exposure” by martine.es

“Indolente e muto. Presago di flutti” by nonplusultra22

“Indolente e muto. Presago di flutti” by nonplusultra22

“August blues (again) “ I'm from Caravaggio

“August blues (again) “ I'm from Caravaggio

“Red Dragon” by matthias bosch

“Red Dragon” by matthias bosch

“Untitled” by Guglielmo Cherchi

“Untitled” by Guglielmo Cherchi

“Valley of Fire State Park, NV” by Ivan Echevarria

“Valley of Fire State Park, NV” by Ivan Echevarria

“Off to Mullaghmore” by Chiara Maretti

“Off to Mullaghmore” by Chiara Maretti

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daily drifter: aventurine

daily drifterTaylor P.Comment

You have to be transparent
so you no longer cast a shadow
but instead let the light pass through you.
— Kamand Kojouri

“Twin Peaks” by Susan Blase

“Twin Peaks” by Susan Blase

“Pequenos guardiões dos nossos caminhos” by Tuane Eggers

“Pequenos guardiões dos nossos caminhos” by Tuane Eggers

“Dreamer” by Nick James Adams

“Dreamer” by Nick James Adams

“Seven Road Signs” by J Bro

“Seven Road Signs” by J Bro

“Analogue double exposure.” by martine.es

“Analogue double exposure.” by martine.es

“Lake Louise in color, 1” by //sarah

“Lake Louise in color, 1” by //sarah

“Crystal Springs Reservoir, CA” by Ivan Echevarria

“Crystal Springs Reservoir, CA” by Ivan Echevarria

“Untitled” by Benedetta Falugi

“Untitled” by Benedetta Falugi

“Untitled” by Nadav Gazit

“Untitled” by Nadav Gazit

“lelac” by matthias bosch

“lelac” by matthias bosch

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daily drifter: roam

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
The world is as large as I let it be. Each step I take into the unknown reveals a thousand more steps of possibility. Earth may not be growing but my world certainly does with each step I take.
— Avina Celeste
"Boiler Room x Viva Festival" by Giuliana Massaro

"Boiler Room x Viva Festival" by Giuliana Massaro

"Perito Moreno 4" by Gabriele Pagani

"Perito Moreno 4" by Gabriele Pagani

"Touristic Destination" by Naomi

"Touristic Destination" by Naomi

"Troodos Mountains" Kathryn Young

"Troodos Mountains" Kathryn Young

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"Que seja leve o sentir" by Tuane Eggers

"Que seja leve o sentir" by Tuane Eggers

"E se tu fossi qui, adesso, ti abbraccerei con tutte le mie forze" by nonplusultra22

"E se tu fossi qui, adesso, ti abbraccerei con tutte le mie forze" by nonplusultra22

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Untouched" by Louis Dazy

"Untouched" by Louis Dazy

"Winter" by Isadora J.

"Winter" by Isadora J.



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daily drifter: holly + zen

daily drifterAlly R.1 Comment


Holidays for me are the equivalent of being in a super-scare-your-balls-off haunted house. If you're also in a bit of a panic this month, feel free to chill out with a stiff drink and rest easy dreaming of these sunny vistas and beautiful destinations. 



"Hamburg 2017" by Giulia Micheila Azzalini

"Hamburg 2017" by Giulia Micheila Azzalini

"Lago Verde, Parque Nacional Los Alerces." by Saitam Baro

"Lago Verde, Parque Nacional Los Alerces." by Saitam Baro

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Floral Fountains" by Hayden Williams

"Floral Fountains" by Hayden Williams

"Above Brazil" by Lucas Marcomini

"Above Brazil" by Lucas Marcomini

"Wild Flowers / Saltwater" by Milie Del

"Wild Flowers / Saltwater" by Milie Del

"IMG_1164" by David Siebenbrunner

"IMG_1164" by David Siebenbrunner

""La mia terra è donna" 04" by ylenia comi

""La mia terra è donna" 04" by ylenia comi

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daily drifter: the zion

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.
— Omar Nelson Bradley
"Add a title" by Kiki Li

"Add a title" by Kiki Li

"Untitled" by Diana Spatariu

"Untitled" by Diana Spatariu

"vulcans" by Veronika Gilková

"vulcans" by Veronika Gilková

"Richmond, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"Richmond, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"Untitled" by Pam Virada

"Untitled" by Pam Virada

"untitled" by Viviana Roma

"untitled" by Viviana Roma

"The spark, has died and now you're just too late" by Ririii

"The spark, has died and now you're just too late" by Ririii

"Condor-dos-andes, o voo mais deslumbrante que já vi" by Tuane Eggers

"Condor-dos-andes, o voo mais deslumbrante que já vi" by Tuane Eggers

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daily drifter: diorama

daily drifterAlly R.Comment





  1. a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit.

    • historical

      a scenic painting, viewed through a peephole, in which changes in color and direction of illumination simulate changes in the weather, time of day, etc.. (source: google)

We find ourselves longing for this little finite space that can be controlled. This diorama, this little box, a glimpse into our world or someone else's.  In this place we are kings/queens. In this place we seek divination. We can go wherever we want to go, do whatever we want to do, and be whoever we want to be. In a world that is constantly in flux we stare into the abyss of this life that contains us, longing for the simplicity of childhood daydreams and seasons in the sun. But are we three-dimensional or just flagellating our vices for the masses? Are we a carving etched on history or a living, breathing real boy/girl living inside a scene that replays itself in a myriad of ways into dusk? Today we are searching for answers to whether we live inside this fragile frame or outside in a wild sea of ignorance. 





"Richmond, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"Richmond, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"cindysherman" by Julian Knaack

"cindysherman" by Julian Knaack

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"allthingsredfrog" by Magdalena Bodzioch

"allthingsredfrog" by Magdalena Bodzioch

"Amor é montanha" by Tuane Eggers

"Amor é montanha" by Tuane Eggers

"Neon Caravan" by Naomi

"Neon Caravan" by Naomi

"Love Tester and Physical Fitness" by Oliver Liria

"Love Tester and Physical Fitness" by Oliver Liria

"Untitled" by gilbert terrazas

"Untitled" by gilbert terrazas

"US of A" by Louis Dazy

"US of A" by Louis Dazy

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daily drifter: freedom circa 1984

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
"Obscure Dogma" by Fabrizio Ara FAHC

"Obscure Dogma" by Fabrizio Ara FAHC

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
— George Orwell, 1984
"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"74110013" by Matsuki Narishige

"74110013" by Matsuki Narishige

"Dos imensos dias em que fomos tão grandiosamente pequenos" by Tuane Eggers

"Dos imensos dias em que fomos tão grandiosamente pequenos" by Tuane Eggers

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis

"Untitled" by Lola Li

"Untitled" by Lola Li

"Williamsburg, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"Williamsburg, VA" by Ivan Echevarria

"cherry pop" by Samantha Ashcraft

"cherry pop" by Samantha Ashcraft

Italy 2017" by Sofia Podestà

Italy 2017" by Sofia Podestà

"La musica è vita" by marcus greco

"La musica è vita" by marcus greco

"Entrance"  by Chang-Yeol Choi

"Entrance"  by Chang-Yeol Choi

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daily drifter: dusty clockless hours

daily drifterAlly R.1 Comment
"As montanhas também dançam, lentamente, a dança do desintegrar" by Tuane Eggers

"As montanhas também dançam, lentamente, a dança do desintegrar" by Tuane Eggers

Even the damned in Hell have the community of their suffering.
"I'll be back soon" by Anton Krasnikov

"I'll be back soon" by Anton Krasnikov

"scirocco." by Guglielmo Cherchi

"scirocco." by Guglielmo Cherchi

"The Village in the Mountains" by Lucas Marcomini

"The Village in the Mountains" by Lucas Marcomini

"Jesus Christ Superstar" by Piero Donadeo

"Jesus Christ Superstar" by Piero Donadeo

"Portland OR . 2017" by gilbert terrazas

"Portland OR . 2017" by gilbert terrazas

"San Francisco, CA" by Ivan Echevarria

"San Francisco, CA" by Ivan Echevarria

"untitled" by Toby Harvard

"untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Untitled" by Kathryn Young

"Untitled" by Kathryn Young

"Self portrait" by The little fawn*

"Self portrait" by The little fawn*

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daily drifter: feelin' fine, feelin' good

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
"老泥妹" by k ying wong

"老泥妹" by k ying wong

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon.
— Edward Lear, The Owl and the Pussycat
"neukölln." by Robert Basik

"neukölln." by Robert Basik

"icefalls" by Veronika Gilková

"icefalls" by Veronika Gilková

"..." by Stephane Grasset
"untitled" by Toby Harvard

"untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Chloé, 2017." by Giulia Micheila

"Chloé, 2017." by Giulia Micheila

"Noa | Worthy Is the Lamb" by michel nguie

"Noa | Worthy Is the Lamb" by michel nguie

"Rims" by Susan Blase

"Rims" by Susan Blase

"untitled" by Lucía Pereyra

"untitled" by Lucía Pereyra

"Klimt Memory" by Naomi

"Klimt Memory" by Naomi

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daily drifter: the accolades

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
— Lemony Snicket

In matters of meritocracy, sometimes we haven't the faintest idea what is going on. We humbly oblige some more moderate version of ourselves to demonstrate how to behave in modern society, yet our current society is full of upheaval and a future that has yet to be determined. We call them the accolades, these momentary glimpses of privilege and centrifugal forces that we often take for granted.  Some call it divination or intervention. We walk blindly or swim into their seas, letting the current and the windswept sand direct us where we're meant to go and where we belonged all along. 



"Untitled" by Alex Dietrich

"Untitled" by Alex Dietrich

"homesick" by Giuliana Massaro

"homesick" by Giuliana Massaro

"red 6" by William Boulter

"red 6" by William Boulter

"Flight over Nazca desert" by _GOZ_

"Flight over Nazca desert" by _GOZ_

"Untitled" by Kathryn Young

"Untitled" by Kathryn Young

"Selfie underneath the stars" by Matthijs Bettman

"Selfie underneath the stars" by Matthijs Bettman

"San Francisco, CA" by Ivan Echevarria

"San Francisco, CA" by Ivan Echevarria

"hopes" by topshiha sultana

"hopes" by topshiha sultana

"My city through my eyes" by Maria Evgenidu

"My city through my eyes" by Maria Evgenidu

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi

"Portland OR  .  2016" by Gilbert Terrazas

"Portland OR  .  2016" by Gilbert Terrazas

"De nuevo al frio" by Em Bernatzky

"De nuevo al frio" by Em Bernatzky

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daily drifter: burning bridges

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
How can you rise if you have not burned?
— Hiba Fatima Ahmad

The theme this week around here has been a poignant one. We ask ourselves two questions:

1) How far do we persevere to lose ourselves for love?

and 2) When do we know when to give up?

There are no simple answers. Situations are complicated-- relationships are complicated. We live in a digital age where friendship is often a shell, a guise, surrounded by fragile bridges. We strike those matches, say that we have had enough, and let those fires of Babylon burn. 

In order to rise above we must fall below. It takes great adversity to often build the best character and sometimes takes burning bridges to find other routes to our destination. The journey of life is a series of layers-- we are constructed of stars and finer things. But beneath our sordid frame lies a fire that burns ever brightly, ready to engulf that which needs transcending. I am the Phoenix. Watch me burn and live again. 

Have you ever burned a bridge? Did you strike the match and never look back?

"Self portrait." by The little fawn*

"Self portrait." by The little fawn*

"A luz saindo pelos olhos" by Tuane Eggers

"A luz saindo pelos olhos" by Tuane Eggers

"STRTLGHT" by Anthony Bailey

"STRTLGHT" by Anthony Bailey

"Di nuovo verrà l'estate V" by nonplusultra22

"Di nuovo verrà l'estate V" by nonplusultra22

"dry the river" by Christopher Mongeau

"dry the river" by Christopher Mongeau

"pomelo fruit 6" by William Boulter

"pomelo fruit 6" by William Boulter

"untitled" by Joseph Rustia

"untitled" by Joseph Rustia

"untitled" by David Paton

"untitled" by David Paton

"18A_0142" by Andi Singer

"18A_0142" by Andi Singer

"the light" by Adrielly Alves

"the light" by Adrielly Alves

"pragmatic anarchism" by Michel Nguie

"pragmatic anarchism" by Michel Nguie

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daily drifter: everything is alright | everything is finite

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
When I pronounce the word Future,
the first syllable already belongs to the past.

When I pronounce the word Silence,
I destroy it.
— Wisława Szymborska

President Obama spoke tonight for the last time as President. Regardless of your political leanings, I know many of you feel the difference in the air. The world feels unsettled and listless but full of sparks of energy and hope. The future is full of confusion and exhilaration. We wake up every morning saying a silent mantra of "I'm OK" but are we really? We're sitting on a thin line between war and peace and we're worried about when and where the other shoe may drop.

Yet on some levels we are at war within ourselves. We sit on the precipice of change yet we stare into the brightness of our screens and drink our caloric maximum to dull the sensation of having no control. We have faith or lack it but there is this air of difference that permeates everyone and everything. We distance ourselves to stay intact and fear being vulnerable to the dangers and pleasures that life brings.

I'm OK. You're OK. Everything is alright. Everything is finite.

What does yesterday, today, and tomorrow look like for you?  
                                                                                        <3, A

"Sadness is a blessing" by Sacha Bertrand

"Sadness is a blessing" by Sacha Bertrand

"Surrogate" by Piero Donadeo

"Surrogate" by Piero Donadeo

"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Untitled" by elif yalim

"Untitled" by elif yalim

"Untitled" by William Danton

"Untitled" by William Danton

"White (II)" by Isabella Bubola

"White (II)" by Isabella Bubola

"Untitled" by Kristina Zdravkov

"Untitled" by Kristina Zdravkov

"Somos um pedaço de cada possibilidade" by Tuane Eggers

"Somos um pedaço de cada possibilidade" by Tuane Eggers

". | barracks without soldiers" by I'm from Caravaggio

". | barracks without soldiers" by I'm from Caravaggio

"Untitled" by Em Bernatzky

"Untitled" by Em Bernatzky

"When the summer heat dissolves memories" by AirSonka

"When the summer heat dissolves memories" by AirSonka

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daily drifter: day + age

daily drifterAlly R.Comment
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark: the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

It's a new year and things feel vastly unstructured and unsettled. The weather is unpredictable and so is the political climate. Yet there is hope in the light as well as in the shadows. The energy and vitality of singular moments and of tangible dissonance seem to echo as much from our past as of our future. We are in the golden days of opportunity and in a new age of collective synergism. We are in a time of alternate universes where seemingly real things appear surreal. Now is the time to be everything that you are and to walk into the light sans blindfold. Welcome to the Parallel.



"Se un dì di novembre andassi in Grecia" by Maria Evgenidu

"Se un dì di novembre andassi in Grecia" by Maria Evgenidu

"kitchen clutter" by Kathryn Young

"kitchen clutter" by Kathryn Young

"San Francisco" by Ivan Echevarria

"San Francisco" by Ivan Echevarria

"untitled" by Giuliana Massaro

"untitled" by Giuliana Massaro

"impediment*" by Topshiha Sultana

"impediment*" by Topshiha Sultana

"allthingsmary" by Magdalena Bodzioch

"allthingsmary" by Magdalena Bodzioch

"Northern Lights" by Ludovica M. B.

"Northern Lights" by Ludovica M. B.

"Untitled" by Mike Lund

"Untitled" by Mike Lund

"Untitled" by Sanja Prodan

"Untitled" by Sanja Prodan

"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"Untitled" by Toby Harvard

"phantom limb" by T. L. Parker

"phantom limb" by T. L. Parker

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daily drifter: impossivel

daily drifterAlly R.Comment



“Only if you are possible, everything will be possible.” 
― Santosh Kalwar

As we let go of the old and embrace the new, we embark on a journey of great magnitude. We become ourselves in the realm of possibility. Somehow the future is always such an abstract concept and then suddenly we wake up and realize the future is now. We dance into the realm of impossibility and carve out our own niche of what is possible and real. What are some of your possible (or impossible) plans?


"oblong hobnob 1 - 14'' x 20'' - 2015" by Harold McNaron

"oblong hobnob 1 - 14'' x 20'' - 2015" by Harold McNaron

"Tradiciones" by [María JPM]

"Tradiciones" by [María JPM]

"New York State of Mind" by Hayden Williams

"New York State of Mind" by Hayden Williams

"A3" by Wendy Sama

"A3" by Wendy Sama

"Childhood Project 008" by Naomi

"Childhood Project 008" by Naomi

"untitled" by Kiki Li

"untitled" by Kiki Li

"Chasing Light" by michel nguie

"Chasing Light" by michel nguie

"Que tal o impossível?" by Tuane Eggers

"Que tal o impossível?" by Tuane Eggers

"Untitled" by David Paton

"Untitled" by David Paton

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