daily drifter: diorama
daily drifterComment
a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit.
a scenic painting, viewed through a peephole, in which changes in color and direction of illumination simulate changes in the weather, time of day, etc.. (source: google)
We find ourselves longing for this little finite space that can be controlled. This diorama, this little box, a glimpse into our world or someone else's. In this place we are kings/queens. In this place we seek divination. We can go wherever we want to go, do whatever we want to do, and be whoever we want to be. In a world that is constantly in flux we stare into the abyss of this life that contains us, longing for the simplicity of childhood daydreams and seasons in the sun. But are we three-dimensional or just flagellating our vices for the masses? Are we a carving etched on history or a living, breathing real boy/girl living inside a scene that replays itself in a myriad of ways into dusk? Today we are searching for answers to whether we live inside this fragile frame or outside in a wild sea of ignorance.
"Richmond, VA" by Ivan Echevarria
"." by I'm from Caravaggio
"cindysherman" by Julian Knaack
"Untitled" by Martine Eshuis
"allthingsredfrog" by Magdalena Bodzioch
"Amor é montanha" by Tuane Eggers
"Neon Caravan" by Naomi
"Love Tester and Physical Fitness" by Oliver Liria
"Untitled" by gilbert terrazas
"US of A" by Louis Dazy
daily drifter: the accolades
daily drifterComment“Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity.”
In matters of meritocracy, sometimes we haven't the faintest idea what is going on. We humbly oblige some more moderate version of ourselves to demonstrate how to behave in modern society, yet our current society is full of upheaval and a future that has yet to be determined. We call them the accolades, these momentary glimpses of privilege and centrifugal forces that we often take for granted. Some call it divination or intervention. We walk blindly or swim into their seas, letting the current and the windswept sand direct us where we're meant to go and where we belonged all along.
"Untitled" by Alex Dietrich
"homesick" by Giuliana Massaro
"red 6" by William Boulter
"Flight over Nazca desert" by _GOZ_
"Untitled" by Kathryn Young
"Selfie underneath the stars" by Matthijs Bettman
"San Francisco, CA" by Ivan Echevarria
"hopes" by topshiha sultana
"My city through my eyes" by Maria Evgenidu
"Untitled" by Benedetta Falugi
"Portland OR . 2016" by Gilbert Terrazas
"De nuevo al frio" by Em Bernatzky
daily drifter: day + age
daily drifterComment“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark: the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. ”
It's a new year and things feel vastly unstructured and unsettled. The weather is unpredictable and so is the political climate. Yet there is hope in the light as well as in the shadows. The energy and vitality of singular moments and of tangible dissonance seem to echo as much from our past as of our future. We are in the golden days of opportunity and in a new age of collective synergism. We are in a time of alternate universes where seemingly real things appear surreal. Now is the time to be everything that you are and to walk into the light sans blindfold. Welcome to the Parallel.
"I" by Lucía Pereyra
"Se un dì di novembre andassi in Grecia" by Maria Evgenidu
"kitchen clutter" by Kathryn Young
"San Francisco" by Ivan Echevarria
"untitled" by Giuliana Massaro
"impediment*" by Topshiha Sultana
"allthingsmary" by Magdalena Bodzioch
"Northern Lights" by Ludovica M. B.
"Untitled" by Mike Lund
"Untitled" by Sanja Prodan
"Untitled" by Toby Harvard
"phantom limb" by T. L. Parker