I will be turning twenty-nine this year, and the blog will be turning three! I went through recently and downsized the posts a bit to make way for a newer, more interactive blog that will combine my work, inspirations, as well as the input of other artists and musicians.
In 2008, I published a zine called paper + wire magazine. It was user-submitted and I did the majority of the project myself. I truly loved meeting so many different folks from around the world and being able to give something back to the artistic community that has been so supportive of me and my work. When I started architecture school, I simply couldn't keep up with the magazine or the blog, so it fell by the wayside unfortunately. That being said, today marks three years since I started the blog, and I would like to begin moving towards a better interface that invokes the same spirit of creativity and enterprise. The flickr group for paper + wire now has over 1500 members and 30k submissions-- it really got me thinking: "What service am I doing for the artistic community by focusing so much on the blog as a form of design therapy for myself?" When, truthfully, I would rather do what I loved: Cultivate and bring new work to the masses.
The format will be changing a bit. There will be guest bloggers, weekly/daily posts, and more emphasis on other people's handicrafts and ideas. I hope this doesn't bother those of you that do read the blog, and I will certainly continue to post about my activities and vignettes of life, but they won't be the chief focus.
Like fine wine and Tom Waits, this blog gets better with age. Please excuse the mess as I revamp everything. I truly appreciate each and every one of you that reads the posts, comments, and is part of this incredible adventure.
For information on guest posting, advertising your work, joining out team, or any other questions you may have, please contact us at